How to View Word Count in WordPress for Any Post/Page

Knowing the word count of a post you are writing can be extremely useful, especially for SEO. In the WordPress classic editor the word count used to be on the bottom left but the block editor has hidden it in a new info menu.

Let’s not waste any time and get right into finding word count in WordPress.

How To Check Word Count On WordPress

Seeing the word count of a post or page in WordPress is extremely easy in the block editor.

Just click the little document overview icon at the top of the editor with the lines.

Viewing word count in WordPress
Viewing word count in Gutenberg

This screen will give you information about your article, mainly the block structure. You’ll need to click the outline section for information about your article including word count, characters, and time to read.

The document overview menu also gives you an outline of all your post heading titles. Great for quickly navigating longer articles.

That by far is the easiest way to see word count for a post in WordPress. If you need more detailed word count data on your WordPress site keep reading.

WP Word Count Plugin

Using the WP Word Count plugin will allow you to see a combined word count for all of your published articles in WordPress. It also offers other useful tools like sorting your content by word count so you can see which articles on your site have the most words.

Here’s a preview of what the site gives you access to.

WP Word Count plugin UI
WP Word Count plugin

They also offer a pro version with more word count features.

Seeing Word Count in WordPress Classic Editor

Many WordPress users are still using the Classic Editor so here was how you looked at word count in the classic editor.

Seeing the word count of a post or page in WordPress is fairly easy in the classic editor. You’ll see the current word count on the bottom left of the visual or text editor.

Word count in WordPress classic editor

In conclusion, being able to view word count in WordPress is a crucial tool for any writer or blogger. By utilizing the built-in features or using various plugins, you can effortlessly keep track of your content’s length, ensuring it aligns with your SEO goals and objectives. Whether you aim for concise posts or lengthy articles, having a clear word count at your disposal empowers you to optimize your content for SEO, readability, and user experience.

If you’re having issues with word count in WordPress just let us know in the comments below!

Picture of Andy Feliciotti

Andy Feliciotti

Andy has been a full time WordPress developer for over 10 years. Through his years of experience has built 100s of sites and learned plenty of tricks along the way. Found this article helpful? Buy Me A Coffee

8 Responses

  1. Sorry, but the WP Word Count plugin counts 15% more words than there are. It’s way off! But unfortunately it is the most precise I found so far. Others are off by up to 100%!

    Developers can’t count anymore. Or at least – they don’t test their software before releasing it.

  2. All of a sudden the i icon has disappeared. I did uninstall some plugins, but I’m sure this i icon is a basic feature in Wordpress.
    What can I do to let is show again?

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